Our Vision

Our vision:

To help more people live a happy and fulfilling life.


Our mission:

To help aspiring entrepreneurs take control of their mindset and habits to do what's required for starting and succeeding with their business.


- My story

TDG is led by me, David Michelsen, an ambitious 23-year old from Denmark. I wanted to become an entrepreneur for a long time. But I was always afraid that I wouldn't be able to succeed. I was afraid of starting and not creating any results, from where I feared my friends and family members wouldn't believe in me.

My fears held be back for several years, and despite a few small entrepreneurial attempts I got nowhere.

Luckily, 1-2 years later, I found people who helped me overcome my self-imposed barriers. I became able to accept that I would be terrible, no matter which business I started. However, the important thing was to get started. To keep expectations from the people I cared about low, I started this business without telling anyone. This way I would be able to create proof of my adequacy and then show them the results.

I started this brand to prove that effort and relentless discipline alone can get anyone the financial success they want. That it doesn't matter if you're not the smartest or the most efficient. As long as you never quit.

I want to use my strengths and this brand to help other aspiring or in-progress entrepreneurs turn their dreams into reality.


- What we are fighting for

It can be difficult to make the right choices every day. Especially when life throws one hard challenge after the other at you.

Putting in long hours at work, or in your business, losing a family member or struggling with health and body images. You might get beat up and suffer blowbacks. But it is not how you get pushed back that matters.

What matters is how you choose to handle all those tough situations, where you can choose the easy way or the right way for success.

It is determining how important your life's goals and dreams are, and deciding to do something about achieving them. Because you know that doing so will help you, your family and those you care about.

Being obsessed with creating the business and the life you want.

It is the values and integrity you set for yourself through your daily struggles, which will add up to unimaginable results over time.

Consistently making the right choice, when the motivation is gone and all the responsibility is on you, is what Discipline is all about.

I know it's hard.

If it was easy everyone would be healthy, in shape, have healthy relationships, be wealthy and do as they wanted.

It takes dedication and years of consistent hard work to get any desirable level of success.

But when all that is said and done, the most important decision you can make is to start today. To do something about your situation today.

We want to support you.

This is why The Discipline Group exists.

To help you and all those entrepreneurs who need an extra hand in developing the right mindset and habits for accountability, execution and consistency. 

I hope it's a journey you want to be part of!

- David Michelsen, Founder of The Discipline Group